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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #306766

      My name is Angelica. I have been on a spiritual path since learning Transcendental meditation in the early 1970’s. I have been graced with many teachers during my life and now am interested in learning more about Kabbalah and joining a group of dedicated people to study with.

    • #306765

      My name is Angelica. I have been on a spiritual path since learning Transcendental meditation in the early 1970’s. I have been graced with many teachers during my live and now am interested in learning more about Kabbalah and joining a group of dedicated people.

    • #306629
      Sam Connor

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi my name is Sam. I live in England.</p>
      Over the years I’ve studied various philosophies, psychology theories and religious studies. All of which have given me great knowledge for my job, a wonderful viewpoint on the world, and a great understanding of myself. But I feel Ive reached the point that this knowledge now brings me alot of self criticism as I can’t live up to these standards. In a way, I always have a thought from a theory that I can mentally beat myself with.

      I stumbled upon Kabbalah which I hope will bring me more understanding so I can become more settled and be where I’m meant to be.

    • #306616


      I’m Elizabeth Jenkins from Memphis, TN. I have always been a seeker of the truth and felt non-existent. I have always felt the need to be connected even though I have felt very disconnected from others in the midst. I want to learn the Kabbalah so I may be a value to the world. I have always been a giver and putting others before myself but the other side of me have me thinking and wondering sometimes if it’s the wrong thing when I am not receiving the same energy. I have learned overall to give with no expectation of a return and I love that.

      • #306647

        Hi Elizabeth. I am also from Memphis, TN. Glad you are pursuing this.

    • #306608
      Francis Gallant

      Hi, I am Francis 27 from canada.

      Im here in hope of finding meaning

    • #306605


      My Name is Jerry

      I live in Riverdale NY

      I am a practicing Buddhist for 30 years. I intend to continue to practice Buddhism.

      However my birth religion is Judaism. I went to Hebrew school when I was 11 and had my Bar Mizvah when I was 13. The Rabbi didn’t speak English and the ritual had not spiritual meaning for me

      Now I would like to explore and engage in ther spirituality and mysticism of my birth religion.

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