Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,757 through 3,762 (of 5,274 total)
  • Author
    • #184441
      melinda virtudes

      Hello good day!I am Melinda Virtudes i am 54 yeas now i am a Filipina i want indeep knowledge about the Kaballah. I hope this community is to help to more knowledge about  the Law of Nature .

    • #184389
      Anthony Parker

      Hi All,


      I’m Anthony happy to be here on this journey with you all.


    • #184381
      Jeo Ruiz

      Hello, I am Jeo from Mexico and through this course I want to understand human nature, how to relate correctly in it and through that to understand the creator.

    • #184380
      Akiva Lipshitz

      Hi I’m Akiva. I’m twenty one. I’m trying to learn how the creator wants me to live my life and the teachings of the kabbalistic masters answer that question.

      • #184383

        Hi Akiva! Where on this earth are you living right now?

        It’s nice to see someone within my generation here 🙂

        • #184608
          Akiva Lipshitz

          Hey Ric. I’m living in New Jersey. What about you? What’s the story that brought you here (because everyone has a story that brought them to kabbalah)

        • #184744

          I’m living in New Zealand!

          I began researching world history, religions, mysticism, the occult, about 4 years ago. This was after influence from friends interested in Astrology and magick, and dropping out of my BsC degree. Inevitably Kabbalah, and then KabU came up in my google searches. I’ve transformed a lot since then, and now feel ready to engage at a deeper level.

          How about yourself?

        • #184743

          I’m living in New Zealand!

          I began researching world history, mysticism, the occult, about 4 years ago. This was after influence from friends interested in Astrology and magick, and dropping out of my BsC degree. Inevitably Kabbalah, and then KabU came up in my google searches. I’ve transformed a lot since then, and now feel ready to engage at a deeper level.

          How about yourself?

    • #184371
      Ivan Possamai

      Hi. My name is Ivan Possamai and I live with my wife, my 16 years old son and our two Yorkshire mini dogs in Orlando – Florida.

      We are very tuned with spirituality. We are born and baptized Christian Catholics however long time non practicing. We have long term affinity with the Mormons, Scientology, Buddhism however the path we truly accept, believe and follow is THE TAO (not Taoism).

      Learning about Kabbalah through readings on the order of The Golden Dawn, Allister Crowley, Israel Regardie, Paulo Coelho and alike brought us to this website.

      We want to thank and congratulate your noble initiative in sharing this ancient knowledge, for free and unrestricted, to all the world.

      With our sincere regards,

      Ivan Possamai

    • #184370
      Arabian Nights

      Hello From Kuwait 🙂 Peace and Love

Viewing 6 posts - 3,757 through 3,762 (of 5,274 total)
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