Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,859 through 3,864 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #285306
      magloire ilunga

      Hello, I am mag from Texas and just like all of you I am here to learn as it has been said ” my people perish by luck of knowledge”

    • #285248
      Pedro Armando

      Hola a todos, mi nombre es Pedro Armando Meraz Vinaja por cumplir 62 años. Actualmente vivo en la ciudad de Colima. Mexico. Mi objetivo es conocerme mas a mi mismo, determinar cuales son mis mis capacidades, mi mision,  mi proposito de vida, entender mi vida y los cambios que sufrimos a traves del tiempo. He recibido mucha informacion al respecto y estoy ansioso por seguir aprendiendo. Gracias por aceptarme y agradezco profundamente esta oportunidad.

    • #285245
      Pedro Armando

      Hola a todos, mi nombre es Pedro Armando Meraz Vinaja por cumplir 62 años. Aactualmente vivo en Colima. Mexico. Mi objetivo es conocerme mas a mi mismo, mis capacidades, mi proposito de vida, entender mi vida y los cambios que sufrimos a traves del tiempo.

    • #285213

      Hi everyone, my name is Yanfeng Li. I’m retired and currently living in Georgia. I have been seeking for various answers about life for many years. I looked into various religions and recently got to know a little bit about Kabbalah and immediately felt I really wanted to know more about it. I’m really excited and looking forward to learning all about Kabbalah.

    • #285202

      Just a Lifelong student of Comparative religions, and a MAN of “YAH”!!!1 Looking on a modern interpretation from this generation, as I have some studies in Ultra-Ortho kabbala/Zohar.1 Also Native Amerind teachings that jibe with the LAW, INSTRUCTIONS,& TEACHINGS, there are many!!!1

    • #285195
      Alfred Martinez

      Hello Everyone! My name is Alfred and I am from California. I  hope that this course helps me in insight into how to transform my desires so that I can better understand how to connect with others to create a better future for everyone.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,859 through 3,864 (of 5,901 total)
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