Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #127179

      Hello my name is Anthon, 43 yo educator/musician from Sydney, Australia. I always want to enrich my belief in Christianity and learn more about Jewish faith by learning Torah, Kabbalah and Zohar. I sincerely hope the knowledge will enrich my experience and become a blessing to member of my community around me.


    • #127173

      Hi, I’m Garrett, 26, from California. I try to avoid having expectations, I’d rather leave it up to be. My goal is to learn more about the Kabbalah and complete this course with more knowledge than when I started.

    • #127169

      Hi i’m Jesús from México. I’m 28 years, and I hope answer a call in my life, that leads me to study this source of wisdom as part of knowing myself and being a better version of myself to give to society.

    • #127162

      I am Fernando From Florida I am 39 and I am ready to learn and grow.

    • #127101
      Jordan A.

      Hi I’m Jordan – I’m a 28-year-old educator/musician from California and I’ve recently become curious about Kabbalah again after a period of not engaging with it for a while. I’m interested in learning anything it has to offer that could help me understand some of what I experience in my life spiritually, emotionally, cognitively and behaviorally with the hopes I might have a richer experience in the world as well as being a better member of the community for those around me.

    • #127075

      Hello, My name is Craig and I live in the New England area of the U.S. I’ve been researching Kabbalah for a number of years, on and off, but now that I’m recently retired, would like to devote more time to this. I’m excited about having fellow students along for the journey.

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