Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,847 through 3,852 (of 5,275 total)
  • Author
    • #127067

      Dear fellows,

      I find it wonderful to join this program. My full name is Jelkeba Bali Weyesa.I am from Ethiopia. My career is lecturer in health sciences and right now, I am working on my doctoral program at Addis Ababa University.

      Your program best matches my needs and what I have been searching for years. Previously I have received some training on how to develop my psychic senses but not effectively helped me to reach my goal desired. It is why I wanted to learn this course additionally.



    • #127065

      Hi, I’m Marcin from Poland. I’m 48 and have no clues for many important life questions. I’ve just started to study Kabbalah and I’m very excited about it.


    • #127047
      Imogen Rafferty

      I’m twenty-eight. I am drawn to this area of study as I have found that numerous artists I admire have learned from kabbalah. I have no real expectations going into this beyond simply learning, which I am very excited to do!

    • #127042
      Marc Wallach

      Hello, I’m Marc! I live in Brazil, but was born in Spain to a family of Ashkenazi origin.

      I hope to attain new perspectives to view existence from, and the tools to engage in the wealth of discussion of this tradition.

    • #127022

      Hi, I’m Bob from California. I’m a lifelong learner interested in building an understanding of Kabbalah and improving myself and the lives of those around me.

    • #126997


      I’m Chuck from Pennsylvania – 64 and still curious about everything! Looking forward to engaging with a subject I studied years ago.

Viewing 6 posts - 3,847 through 3,852 (of 5,275 total)
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