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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,537 through 4,542 (of 6,403 total)
  • Author
    • #280542

      Hello Dear ones! My name is Laura. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about Kabbalah. I am a healer and seeker of wisdom and truth.

    • #280522

      Hi, my name is Jeff. I came across this organization kind of by accident on a Google search. I am a 32 year old man from the US. I’ve always been a spiritual person; my bookshelf abounds with theological, metaphysical and philosophical treatise. I consider myself a “self-styled” spiritualist who is on a mission to discover truth in any form it presents itself so that I may live a full and happy, contented life. I’ve always had an interest in Kabbalah and own a couple books on the subject which I’ve reviewed in cursory but have never fully developed or dedicated the time to the study and practice thereof. My primary inclination is that of a Buddhist persuasion, however I am deeply interested in the mystical and esoteric teachings that Kabbalah may have to offer. Like any man, I simply want inner peace and satisfaction in my life and the ability to develop wisdom and use my talents for all and for good. I hope that this course on Kabbalah can provide me with new insights to live a more fulfilled and fruitful life.

    • #280491
      Top 10 The Best


      My name Steven Hoang, have a nice day

    • #280487

      Hi I’m Razvan and I’m here to make my mom happy.

    • #280485
      Emma Ribena

      Hi everyone. I’m Emma and I want to understand kabbalah and live a meaningful life

    • #280442

      Hi, My name is Ray and I am looking for more ways to become more spiritual. Kabbalah might have answers to many questions of this reality and existence.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,537 through 4,542 (of 6,403 total)
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