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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #281328

      John MitchellHello my name is John Mitchell.  I have encountered the Kabbalah intermittently over the past 50 years, and been on a continuing path of spiritual and psychological growth most of my life.  I studied philosophy, and did much thinking and searching, but am now wanting to deal more directly with pure energy itself and this course seems to offer what I am looking for.

    • #281327

      Hello my name is John Mitchell.  I have encountered the Kabbalah intermittently over the past 50 years, and been on a continuing path of spiritual and psychological growth most of my life.  I studied philosophy, and did much thinking and searching, but am now wanting to deal more directly with pure energy itself and this course seems to offer what I am looking for.

    • #281323

      John Mitchell

      Hello my name is John Mitchell.  I have been on a spiritual and psychological path for the past 50 years.  I have encountered the Kabbalah at various times in my life.  I am choosing this course because it seems to deal directly with the energy underlying our consciousness and I am very much aware of the presence of a Higher Power in my life, and want to learn how to live with it more effectively.

    • #281322

      John Mitchell

      Hello my name is John Mitchell.  I have been on a spiritual and psychological path for the past 50 years.  I have encountered the Kabbalah at various times in my life.  I am choosing this course because it seems to deal directly with the energy underlying our consciousness and I am very much aware of the presence of a Higher Power in my life, and want to learn how to live with it more effectively.

    • #281321

      John Mitchell

      Hello my name is John Mitchell.  I have been on a spiritual and psychological path for the past 50 years.  I have encountered the Kabbalah at various times in my life.  I am choosing this course because it seems to deal directly with the energy underlying our consciousness and I am very much aware of the presence of a Higher Power in my life, and want to learn how to live with it more effectively.

    • #281302
      Alfred Guerra

      In commencement, please know that I “Thank You, very much for allowing me the opportunity for growth.” My name is Alfred Guerra. I’m 53 yrs. of age. I’ve been studying KABBALAH for 18 consecutive years now, to include the science of SYMBOLISM. Also Hermetics, but not limited there and unto. What I’m expecting to receive out of this course is a more enlightened broad open mindedness. So that I may reach higher levels of vibrational consciousness. This is a first for me, outside of my personal private Esoteric studies, meaning in a group setting, but not limited there and unto. My humble Thanks go out to all the brethren and sisthren. SHINS UP🖖🖖🖖😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️

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