Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,687 through 4,692 (of 5,904 total)
  • Author
    • #58910
      tim baldock

      My name is Tim. i was born and baptised christian (australia)..Instict led me to the japanese zen tradition (not zazen)…The real one much like kabbalah true zen remains concealed and like the kabbalah there is one alltrustic energy that gives rise to the entire universe which of course is the 1 of which we speak…i am extremely intrested in the very real simularity between the two..In Kabbalah this is Light or Pleasure in Zen this is thought. Zen teaches we must forego our ego (correctness) and give ourselfs to the 1 (allturistic creator).

    • #58861

      Hi,  Im Jason from NJ.   I need to become unblocked and live thru the soul instead of going through life on the periphery

    • #58752

      Hi Teddy here

    • #58740

      Hi, my name is Megan from the US. I’m hoping to gain understanding of the purpose and meaning of life. Looking forward to joining everyone on this journey & grateful for this course and platform!

    • #58739

      Hello all,

      My name is Dipti. Hope we all find what we’re looking for in this life and after . Regards.

    • #58712
      Sarah Ngugi nzeki
        <li style=”text-align: left;”>Hey members, am Sarah ,kenyan but i leave in Uganda. My aim is to learn how to connect correctly with others , attain truth….in all my experiences and to hopefully cross the burrier into spirituality. Thanks 😊
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