Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,681 through 4,686 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #220810

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi. My name is Russell.  I am studying Kabbalah as a way of building on my understanding of reality. I am on a spiritual journey,  looking for a map which makes sense!</p>

    • #220809
      Ritu Pandey

      Hello, I am Ritu. A spiritual seeker. Thank You.


    • #220804
      David Edwards

      Hi my name is David, I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you and learning more about Kabbalah

    • #220802

      Hie, my name is Sedilame, meaning MyLight. I’m looking forward to having many questions about my existence answered. From the brief encounter that I’ve had with Kabu on YouTube, I’m certain that I’m in the right place

    • #220799
      Stephanie sewell

      Hi and I’d like to say that I am happy to have run across this experience on my journey. I hope you all are well and are wanting to learn from this like myself. Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual that is for sure. I currently live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and for those who may not know where that is it is by the state of Washington and Montana. Also it’s near Canada and some other surrounding states. I have two beautiful female teenage girls. I am looking forward to a new positive chance to see what this course will teach me. I want to take from it what will help me be a better person and hopefully I will grow. Knowledge and wisdom is power. Best intentions to all and stay strong in this life!

    • #220779

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hi, I’m Daniel and I’m here to find out more about my inner self</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 4,681 through 4,686 (of 6,419 total)
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