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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,693 through 4,698 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #220602
      Richard Lively

      Hello, and thank you.

      My name is Richard, and it is very nice to meet all of you.    I am here because 20+ years ago something very spiritual happened that changed my life forever.  I could not deny something greater than me existed anymore.  I have a feeling i cant explain, I have a desire I cant satisfy.  It is of a spiritual nature, I was born with this desire, but i have tried very hard to run from my responsibilities to satisfy this particular need for many years.  I am also here because prior to joining It was my impression I need people to study and pray properly with.  I hope to learn how to do both in these courses.  I have many questions, and it seems like the more questions I find answers for the more questions I add to my list of things unknown or  what is causing more confusion.  I have no expectations other than how to properly study, because in my spiritual journey I have tried very hard to deny self, and destroy my own individuality that caused selfishness.  I have always believed I am insignificant and in control of very little, and need to be in harmony with the creator’s ways.  If I  where as my individual self I simply believed in nothing but selfishness arrogance.  My goal in life from here to infinity is to decrease as in individual and learn to grow more as a whole.  I prayed for a room to study my creator in, I was given that opportunity for as long as I need and I shall now waste it.  I somehow ended up here listening to this very instructor (Dr. Kosinec) again.  I don’t believe in coincidences.  Free or not I rarely sign up for anything for privacy reasons.  I am supposed to be here, so I came.  I am looking forward to seeing how much I can learn from this new form of study that is completely foreign to me.  Thank you all again for having me and I look forward to working with my fellow classmates.

    • #220598
      Jim Thorpe

      Name’s Jim. I have no expectations. I prefer this to netflix.

    • #220586

      I have been constantly studying the knowledge of Kabbalah for about fourteen years and have read the original reference books. I study Kabbalah to find out what my Tikkun is and what role I should play in this world. Kabbalah helps me find the right path …

    • #220583
      mesut kahraman

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Öğrenmek bilmek  için sabırsızlanıyorum</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”></p>

    • #220546

      My name is Ron. I am seeking ( not necessarily expecting) a higher form of  integration of self- awareness (both the within and without) so as to evolve with Oneness experientially  . I live in Costa Mesa. My profession is psychic tarot reader an I’ve been a fine artist since mid-70’s. Honored to be here.

    • #220462


      My name is Bill. I live on Long Island in New York. I do not have any expectations I will have an open mind and I look forward to the journey.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,693 through 4,698 (of 6,419 total)
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