Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,843 through 4,848 (of 5,894 total)
  • Author
    • #54509
      Natalie Stamm

      My name is Natalie Stamm. I am eager to learn. Thank you

    • #54507
      Jorge Galarza
      1. Hi, my name is Jorge.
    • #54506
      Jorge Galarza

      Hi, my name is Jorge.

    • #54501
      Sage Burning


      I am Sage and I have been interested in Kabbalah for a very long time. I am excited for this course, ready to learn and interact with new people along the way.

    • #54500

      Hi, My Name is Mohamed, I am 42 years old, I can claim that my life journey so far was exciting and thrilling, I had my MBA from one of the Top Universities in the world, worked in three continents so far, successful in my career in finance, father of two lovely boys and now I live in Canada.

      Despite all of the above, I have always felt unfulfilled, and no matter how much money or success I attain there was always something missing.

      I always liked the Movie: The Matrix and always believed that the world is a curtain in front of our eyes.

      I am seeking the real truth that would uncover that viel in front of my eyes and let me propel myself through this life and deliver my duty in this life


    • #54494

      Hi, my name is Daniel.

      I am keen to develop my relationship with the divine, and to understand some of the principles with which the divine operates. I wish to increase my sense of joy and wisdom in being part of such a glorious, magical and mysterious world.  I would like to discover and enhance my G-d given blessings, and find a way of life that increases them for myself and others. I have tried to teach myself some Hebrew and have some books on Kabbalah that I will be reading after/during this course. My main profession is as a musician, so I am inspired by the principles of harmony, and by psychological creative processes. I have been quite shy when approaching religious teachers and communities. I hope to gain more confidence and make friends who can help me in my development. Thanks for the opportunity to study on this course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,843 through 4,848 (of 5,894 total)
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