Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,831 through 4,836 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #186188

      Hi, I’m Erik – a long-time follower of this organization. I decided to jump into the courses to learn more!

    • #186187

      Hello, Everyone. My name is Mark, but I go by Chaz. Was raised Catholic. Wanted to learn more about Kabbalah, so here I am after watching several KabU videos on YouTube. Currently living in NY. Looking forward to studying with you all.

    • #186179
      Gagan Preet Singh

      Hey! Good Evening everyone 😊

      My name is Gaganpreet from India, I love learning and always seeking answer for our existence and occult mysterious. I am here to deepen my understanding about kabbalah and some unrevealed mysterious.😇

    • #186165
      Brian Harris

      Greetings all! I am a graduate student who lives in Boston and is in the course of completing a M.Ed. degree; I hope to teach high school History after completing my practicum next semester. I am a Catholic by upbringing who has long been an avid reader of world religions and philosophical traditions. I am currently in an ongoing process of inquiry concerning conversion to Judaism, which I regard as especially subtle and profound in its way of cleaving to G-d.

      I feel a strong affinity with the thought of figures like the Rambam and Ibn Gabirol, and am learning as much as I can about the great masters of Safed (Cordovero, Luria, Vital) as well as the Hasidic masters. I hope to gain more hands-on experience through engaging with the teachings of Baal HaSulam so that I can integrate these interests into the movements of prayer and the devotional life.

    • #186149
      Maratus sayidah

      Hi, good day everyone 😊

      My name is Mara from Indonesia, I love learning and always seeking answer for more. I am glad that I can be found by this course so I could deepen my understanding about spirituality and kabbalah. So interested amd pretty much looking forward to learning with all of you 😇

    • #186142

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Olá, a todos, sou o Alexandre de Portugal, sempre me questionei a mim próprio quem sou eu, o que faço aqui neste mundo. Em toda a minha vida tentei buscar respostas as minhas perguntas e, nunca consegui obter uma única resposta concreta para satisfazer a minha ” sede e fome”, espiritual.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Acho que no fim deste aprendizado irei obter algo para saciar o que tanto tenho vindo a procurar em todos os meus anos de vida neste mundo.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Obrigado a todos por me acolherem no vosso grupo…</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 4,831 through 4,836 (of 6,426 total)
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