Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,017 through 5,022 (of 5,297 total)
  • Author
    • #47414

      Am chuks from Nigeria and i hope this knowledge will help me deeply as solve of life misery i am always pondering.

    • #47413
      Tinka TV

      My name is McDonaldson B Yimbo from Sierra Leone, but currently living in Nigeria, I love nature and I want to know everything about it, I also want to discover everything about myself, I love knowledge I want to have it more, for the world I live it . With Kabbalah I believe my long journey is coming to reality.

    • #47404

      Hello, my name is italo, I’m from Brazil, and I hope to learn more about natural laws through kabbalah

    • #47380
      Bornface Tumba

      Bornface is my name from Zambia.

      I am on this platform to learn and possibly use the knowledge i will gain to empower my circle of friends and community….glad to be here!!

      Best wishes to you all.

    • #47379
      master velocity

      hi am kenneth demalata sorry if my English grammar is something wrong 

      I like kabbalah study because I feel all my question in my life can answer of this



    • #47362

      Hello, this is Nadim here from Pakistan. Always curious about Kabbalah and always interested to change myself in a positive way. After doing this course, may i never be the same again

Viewing 6 posts - 5,017 through 5,022 (of 5,297 total)
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