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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,023 through 5,028 (of 5,297 total)
  • Author
    • #47360

      My name is hassan ozigi mubarak  and I am very interested to know more about the Kabbalah and I am hoping it might answer some of the questions that I have about life and that it can change my life in a positive way.

    • #47359
      Nayab Saleem
      1. Hi, I m Nayab. I m here for a reality check. 😉
    • #47344
      Issifu Naiza

      I am Naiza,looking forward to having a complete glimpse about humans and the universe at large

    • #47343

      Tiziana from Holland, sweet hello out of Swiss to everybody in our group.

      Have always been interested about the ancient wisdom of different cultures allovertheworld, and love to explore thiz journey called LIFE, from inside out & outside withINN;-)

      Already before have been wondering about the Kabbalah teachings and why they have been ‘hidden”/excluded for so long..? makes me even more ‘curious’ & looking forward to these ancient wisdom & Mistics & fundamental laws of our Mother Nature, to be ‘revealed’ in this study. A big THNXXX for this lovely profound offer (with hope/expectations) to expand our own Perceptions of “RealitY”, meaning of LIFE  & fulfilment:-)))

    • #47342
      Raj Konda

      Hi I’m Raju konda from india. I want to know the essence of life and how to move on that path. I hope this course will provide me the required path to know the essence of my life

    • #47339
      jahidhasan hasib

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello, I am Hasib from Bangladesh. I am an agnostic.I am searching for meaning of life.That’s why i joined.Thank you.</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 5,023 through 5,028 (of 5,297 total)
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