Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,341 through 5,346 (of 6,435 total)
  • Author
    • #55287

      My name is Sandra. I have been on my spiritual journey searching for the truth most of my life. I just didn’t know it at the time (most of the time). I’m very excited to run across this opportunity to study the Kabbalah and look forward to it very much.

    • #55278
      Jade Crystal

      Hi! My name is Kamila and I am so grateful to be her online with you all! I am grateful for connection! Thanks everyone!

    • #55270


      I apologize if I’m introducing myself twice. I thought I’d done this but I’m not seeing my post so I’ll give it another shot!

      My name is Anthony, I’m from California. I’m 34 years old, married and we have a dog. I’ve dabbled in the knowledge of Kabbalah but never engaged in any type of formal structure while studying. I’ve purchased and read books, watched some videos but never actually interacted like I’ve wanted to so I see this as a wonderful opportunity. I look forward to discovering the inner workings of not only myself but of the world as a whole. I feel that as I am approaching 35, it’s time to take a different approach to life. Up until this point, I feel like I have definitely had fun however I’m realizing that “fun” is basically life’s junk food. Drinking, clubs, bars, drama. All superficial and harmful. I’m looking to rise above this.

    • #55263

      Hi.  I’m Maeganne from BC Canada.   I have been a spiritual seeker from the age of 12.   I am here because I have always been interested in Kabbalah but it seemed a secret.   Thank you Kabuconnect.  This is an amazing gift that I take with open arms.  Thank you

    • #55250
      Mohammad Reza

      Greetings To All

      I’m Mohammad from Iran.

      I’m a Psychotherapist and Counselor.







    • #55246
      Mohammad Reza

      Greetings To All

      I’m Mohammad from Iran.

      I’m a Psychotherapist and Counselor.






Viewing 6 posts - 5,341 through 5,346 (of 6,435 total)
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