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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #49482

      I’m Marcelo Tedesco from Argentina living in Newport Beach Ca, 66 years old retired and I just interested on the ultimate truth or you can call it God if you wish !

    • #49474

      Yo guys im a bit excited about this specially because it is a “hidden” knowledge and im a bit knowledgeable about conspiracy, ancient knowledge so it is interesting to me as it can directly change my life if it is legit ofcourse. anyway lets start the journey , i hope it is a good one

    • #49463
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      My name is Joanne and I’m looking forward to learning more about Kabbalah. I’m interested in the wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet and the wisdom they hold in translating the bible and our beginnings. I have always been drawn to the healing arts and becoming a better and more understanding human.  I’m sure that this class and my fellow students will expand my thoughts with expanded interpretations of reality. Can’t wait.

    • #49458


      I am Mioara from Romania and I am so glad to discover this opportunity to find more about Kabbalah which is one of the main issues in my life. I am so excited to learn and understand, by Kabbalah lessons, as much as possible is need to discover the essence in this life. Many thanks!

    • #49456

      Hello from Northern Ontario Canada 🙂

      I have been learning a bit about sacred geometry, physics, ancient civilizations as per Nassim Haramein.

      I was instinctively drawn to the offer of this learning opportunity.

      I am very excited!

    • #49449
      Khadija Khan


      This is Khadija Ali from Karachi Pakistan. I am a reiki healing master as well as the meditator. I am attached with the first Down syndrome school of Pakistan as an admin assistant. As I am a meditator I wanted to explore the nature and the devine knowledge. I think this course will help me to get the knowledge of devine.


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