Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,449 through 5,454 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #53456
      Vini Chukis

      My name is Vincent Chukwuma Ekpokoba.Just want to know who I am and why I have this awareness of BEING.

    • #53440
      Norma Schmepp

      Hello my name is Norma, I not sure what I am doing, I thought I have done this section, a will.

      anyways, I live in Garden Grove California, I am very religious person so that makes me search about the true in religion and most important for me about God the Creator,

      I started catholicism because of my parents and when I come to USA changed to christianity, and now since I start looking and Judy is taking me to the road about Kabbalah.

      I pray and I hope that God is in the One who’s taking me to this  path.

      forgive my spelling my first language is Spanish I don’t really write English so I try my best.

    • #53390
      Michael Aziz

      Hello, my name is Michael and I am from the middle east…….. I hope to learn more about the concepts of spirituality that i have never heard about before, I hope it will help me better understand how my life here would have meaning.

    • #53371

      Hello everyone.
      My name is Sophie. I’m here to learn and understand it all.

      Love to all.

    • #53367

      Hello, my name is Espen.

      I join this course because of an interest in Kaballah, I am really eager to learn more!


      • #53369

        Id like to learn more about the world of Kabbalah and to explore my inner world.

        I am interested in magic also. New Age.

    • #53358

      Hii iam dr leena, homoeopathic medical officer from india. I am intrested in the supernatural world from very beginning. and in the search of truth. Want to know all about outside this materialistic world.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,449 through 5,454 (of 6,419 total)
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