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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,791 through 5,796 (of 5,893 total)
  • Author
    • #45974

      Steve from New Zealand, Christian beliefs, 54 this year.


    • #45970

      I’m Joe. 68 yrs. of age. Raised Catholic. It never resonated with me. Actually, nothing ever did. Was always in trouble. Spent a couple of years in military jail. 3 years in state prison. 2 years on parole. Never got in real trouble sincee but just couldn’t figure life out. Of course, other than libraries, there wasn’t much access to esoteric type of teachings or even what it was. Anyway, thru decades of searching, finally realize we alone, thru our thoughts and imaginations, are responsible for our world. I’m open to learning more. Simple as that…

    • #45968
      saman Abbasi

      Hi iam Saman from Pakistan. I work for power sector. Iam a student of life. I want to explore and use positive energy around us to make full use of it and make a world  better place.

    • #45964
      Aamir Hameed

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Hello peoples. I’m Amer from Asia. Want to explore the mystery in my self.</p>

    • #45953

      I am rama from India .Fascinated to know new concept.

    • #45937
      Mark Taylor

      my name is Mark Taylor. I am a retired software developer and project manager and now a professional musician and song writer.

      I was raised in an evangelical church and home life, but it seem to me that church leadership wasn’t really living up to the things I was being taught, so I put all that behind me when I left home and started my own search for truth and meaning. I started by asking myself “why do I believe what I believe?” i’ve read up on Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Hinduism, And of course Christianity. I sort of wound up back where I started, but really knowing the gospel for the first time. I have heard about the Kabbalah many times and spotted this offer to learn about that systemSo here I am.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,791 through 5,796 (of 5,893 total)
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