Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,773 through 5,778 (of 5,894 total)
  • Author
    • #46066
      Joseph Mbugua

      Iam Joseph. Always interested in learning more.

    • #46062
      Gulrukh Gulli
      1. I am Gulrukh  from Pakistan and   studying psychology I want to know about more about self  so this is the main reason I join the course.
    • #46047

      I am pa from Gambia,in west Africa
      I have a lot of unanswered questions about live and will love to know more.This is my main reason of wanting to learn with kabala

    • #46040
      Sai Jampo

      Hello , i am Charles from Ghana , i am very to be here to lean much about what is Kabala. Thanks

    • #46037
      Danielle Vergonet

      Hi everyone!
      My name is Danielle Vergonet, I am from the Netherlands. I am now into kaballah for a few months. I am always curious and searching for more in questions like why this is all happening, why we are here, what do i really see etc.
      Since I am busy with kaballah it really fills up my heart, i changes my way of thinking and i cannot wait to get to know more! It such a fantastic unown world opening up to me. I am also very excited to get to know new people from all over the world interested in the same thing!

      Love D

    • #46031
      adesola sunday

      Hi is me Akinpeju Sunday I love learning a new things that why am here

Viewing 6 posts - 5,773 through 5,778 (of 5,894 total)
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