Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,785 through 5,790 (of 5,894 total)
  • Author
    • #46007
      Mohsin Bhatti

      SO Excited

    • #45997
      Fou lu

      Hi, Julio Bosco from Indonesia, Jakarta. Full time seafood entrepreneurs and developer. Buddhism has brought me to Abrahamic gnostic and eventually Kabbalah. I am in search of community and knowledge regarding this, because it Is a useful lense to percieve reality.

      kind regards.

    • #45990

      My names are Sills Mazuba Hamakowa from Zambia. I am here to search for knowledge about nature. I look forward to learning and changing my outlook of things in nature.

      I hope to find answers to nature’s hidden secrets.

      Nice meeting all of you fellow students. Learning with you will make this journey memorable.

      Best Regards
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Sills</p>

    • #45987
      Norma Schmepp

      Hi my name is Norma,

      I am from Mexico but I live in Garden grove California.

      I am very excited to learn about learning Kabbala, sounds complex but I want to try. Because I want to know me better along with the Creator.

    • #45986

      As a student of life, my goal is to continue with what it’s been fascinating me for a deeper understanding of what surrounds me and conecta my soul with the essence. Kabbalah is the answer.

    • #45979

      I am Anis Alam from Pakistan , the land has long history of mystical world from Buddhism to Sufism. Here , those are in mystical experience fully recognise the importance of Kabbalah. The man knowingly and unknowingly simultaneously live in two worlds through out his life, one based on physical forces that provides him material life and other is above the physical force that provides him spiritual life but unfortunate aspect of man life is , he is not successful in fully imbibed himself in spiritual life as he lacks the key to unlock it. I think Kabbalah can be one of that key.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,785 through 5,790 (of 5,894 total)
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