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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,893 through 5,898 (of 6,434 total)
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    • #49416

      ترجمه متن انگلیسی به فارسی
      Hi, I am Zeinab Adelfar from Iran. I need to study the knowledge of Kabbalah because we always meet this need. Because here you have to fight to show and get the truth, but something inside me called me, there can be a better world. You can have all these things, but without hurting others. . My heart always cried out to me that there is something inside me that helps me and helps me to understand and correct myself. But I realized that it is not with religion. I came across this knowledge by accident while searching the internet. But he always told me that I needed what I needed at the right time. I am deaf and I usually have to work harder and fight harder to have my position. I would like my fighting spirit to help me improve more. I believe in the end times. That is what Christ is. It is our awareness that helps me. Make the world a better place

    • #49412

      Ayatullah hopinv to know more about kabbalah

    • #49404
      Vlad Constantin



      I am glad that i habe the opportunity to learn about such a fascinating subject.  I am new to Kabbalah and want to learn the teachings. And evolve spiritually.

    • #49403
      Vlad Constantin


      I am glad that i have the opportunity to learn about such a fascinating subject!

    • #49380
      Mamun Rashid

      Hi I am Mamun from Bangladesh trying to explore new things. Hope I’ll find some in this course.

    • #49374

      Hi I go by the name Colette

      I have always been  interested by the interaction of number versus it’s the world.

      I am ready to listen.

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