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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,899 through 5,904 (of 6,435 total)
  • Author
    • #49374

      Hi I go by the name Colette

      I have always been  interested by the interaction of number versus it’s the world.

      I am ready to listen.

    • #49372

      Hi everyone! I am Teodora, from Romania. I am into spirituality and I am in a constant searching of divine wisdom and personal development. I feel it is my duty to discover the ancient knowledge and to live life at its full potential. I am very happy that I’ve found this course and I am full of gratitude for the teachers and all the people that are sharing divine knowledge. Thank you!

    • #49370

      Hey tribe… Iam samir dekate from india. Want to explore the relationship between us and the forces we are associated with. Moreover how can we be in harmony and peace in one’s life.

    • #49369


      I’m Rahul from India. I am interested to know more about Kabbalah.


    • #49353
      Michael Opei-Kumi


      I am Michael, from Ghana.I came across the subject of Kabu some months ago.I am someone who is interested in divinity and love exploring various religions in the hope to find the true meaning of life, why are we here,and were are we going from here and connecting to the supreme God.I am expectant  Kabu will give answers to these questions.


    • #49352

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi mates,</p>
      My names are Sekyi Otu-Afram from Ghana and living in Ghana, West Africa.

      I wish to learn ancient truts about creation and life and how it will help progress.

      Thank you


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