Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 589 through 594 (of 6,439 total)
  • Author
    • #409827
      Andriana Georgieva

      Hello, my name is Andriana. I live in the UK. I was intuitively guided to Kabbalah, and as you know – the teacher appears when the student is ready. Here I am, on the most exciting and beautiful journey I have ever experienced in my life – the Path of the Soul! Thank you

    • #409826

      Shalom everyone

      My name is Guilherme Fauque and I’m from Brazil. I’m here to learn about the real Kabbalah

    • #409815
      Andrew Russo

      Hello, my name is Andrew and as a spiritual seeker i want to connect to upper force. May God bless us all with this gift !!!

    • #409808

      Hi I’m Dana world traveler information seaker I am here to grow and learn

    • #409786

      Hello. I am Onur and 34 years old. I am currently in Germany, but originally from Istanbul-Turkey. I have also lived in England in the past. I have experienced great pain and experiences in a spiritual sense for many years. I have not believed in any religion for a long time. I discovered Kabbalah many years ago. But starting the real journey is just happening. I sincerely believe that Kabbalah is the most correct address in all the issues I face in a spiritual sense. It is a great happiness for me to become a student of Kabbalah.

    • #409783

      Hello, I‘m Tanya. Hier ist where I need to be to fulfill my life, and increase my chances to become the best version of myself.

Viewing 6 posts - 589 through 594 (of 6,439 total)
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