Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 601 through 606 (of 6,438 total)
  • Author
    • #408544
      Tyler Craig

      Hello, my name is Tyler from Vancouver, Canada and I am interested to learn more about the teachings of the Kabbalah. I was raised Catholic but turned to Native American spirituality in my later years.

    • #408524

      Olá! Meu nome é Sandra, sou de Santos/SP/Brasil. Tenho interesse em aprender sobre Kabbalah. Se for possível, me indiquem como obter legenda em português nos vídeos. Grata!

      • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by SANDRA.
    • #408487

      Hi am, Angelique, living in Wales. I am behind on the course, not able to attend the live sessions, so truly grateful for the recordings. I am very excited to learn more as I have been very intrigued about the Kabbalah and what I have read and learnt in the past on own really resonated with me.

    • #408446
      Giovanna Quine


      I am Giovanna, looking to learn more about me, excited to have the opportunity to learn from Kabbalah.

    • #408430

      Hi, everyone! I’m José Carlos and I’m from Brazil. I’m a spiritualist person who’s eager to understand why we are here for, where we came from and where we are going to after this brief passage throughout this planet called Earth.

      I’ve been trying to understand myself and to get to Know Who I Am so that I can comprehend the others better and consequently, live in peace with all including myself.

      I can’t wait to learn more about these mystical teachings of Kabbalah so that I can understand what God really wants from me.

      I wish you all a nice experience and I hope we get to know each other better.

      Great hugs.

    • #408400
      Ben Nichols

      My name is Ben. I am baptized Catholic but looking for spiritual wisdom outside my given religion. 🙏

Viewing 6 posts - 601 through 606 (of 6,438 total)
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