
  • #325621

    Gil Shir

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 28 total)
  • Author
    • #414817
      Kirk Smith

      Hello! My name is Luke from Kaufman, Texas, and I am doing your Hebrew courses with my family.  We thoroughly enjoyed “Cracking The Hebrew Code”, and I feel like the course has greatly improved our understanding of the language.  I can’t compliment Gil enough for his work.

      Anyway, we spent a about a year on the first course, but we purchased the speaking Hebrew and reading Hebrew courses also.  We can’t remember which comes after “Cracking The Hebrew Code”.

      Is this the second course?

      Thank you.


      Luke Smith

    • #393871

      Hello everyone. I am Ranga from Canada and I just started learning Hebrew and I love it.

    • #383686

      Hello All, I’m Rosie. I’ve been studying kabbalah for about a year now. It’s a feeling like nothing I’ve ever felt before…like a ‘coming home’ feeling but at least twice the corporeal feeling. I feel drawn to learn this wonderful language. It’s origins intrigue me. I would love to some day understand what the friends are saying in Hebrew during the Daily Lessons. And to be able to read along with the Daily Lesson readings in the Hebrew I see on my screen. Learning this language will help me to immerse more of my being into this wonderful study. I’m a grandma. I’ve got over 10 grand children and just welcomed my first great-grandchild last year. I’m NOT to old to learn. I’m excited to be here learning with all of you!

    • #377816
      AA – ALProgress

      God Day to all,

      I’m Alain, living in the lake Geneva region in french speaking Switzerland. My wife Annika and I have been blessed with three wonderful girls, that are now young womens (24, 27, 30).

      We have been Bnei Baruch students for more than 20 years now and we feel hebrew practice is a natural step in our kabbalah study and dissemination efforts ; to be able to learn the language while staying in the Light of the wisdom of Kabbalah is a gift for which we are very grateful even before we begin.

      Thank You from the bottom of our hearts to Gil, to all KabU creators and staff and to Rav Laitman for such a magnificient initiative. We hope we will succeed making the best out of this new journey and that this initiative will be available to all in the future.

      Let’s pray Hebrew becomes known all over the creation as the language of God and his Love. Let Israel be the Light of Nations; it is needed now more than ever 🙂

    • #377684
      Leon Snaid

      HI I’m Leon Snaid
      I know some conversational Hebrew but I want to improve

    • #368901
      Sherry Dunlop

      Shalom everyone, Im Sherry here to learn Hebrew.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 28 total)
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