Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #184379
      Theresa H

      By acting in bestow kindness and love the creator, by being in his likeness, sees favor in us and cradles us in his glory. As long as we stay on course we should continue to feel his presence. We can become a vessel of his giving work and spread his endless warm light. All we need to do is be giving and have faith and understand everything happens for a reason. Even our downfalls help us grow and are a part of life. For without them  we would have no incentive to grow. The kingdom of God is inside and all around you.

    • #184332

      I feel that the way to connect with the upper light is finding it inside of me. When I try to perceive it as separate, I suffer and nothing make sense!

    • #184331

      It begin with the point in the heart and how we will interact with that through our daily lives.

    • #184307
      Felix Hernandez

      Only by continued study of Kabbalah we learn how to convert our will to recieve to the will to bestow.

    • #184000

      We get in touch by nurturing the point in the heart when it wakes up, then persistently expanding the desire to become equivalence in form with the creator.

    • #183840

      when one starts to ask questions. we awaken the point in the heart. and then we feel we want to know this higher force and we work towards that by adherence even if slowly. similarity of form

Viewing 6 posts - 529 through 534 (of 618 total)
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