Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

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  • Author
    • #329454
      Jarrett Twaddle

      To love my neighbor as myself.

    • #329440
      Cinco Leone

      My role in the process is to primarily focus on embodying the principle of loving my neighbor as myself. I think many times we see that the world needs to change and we attempt to change everything outside of ourselves. The only thing any of us truly has the power to change at any given moment is our own actions. Through bringing myself into alignment with the creator, I will naturally love others as the creation and simultaneously serve as a source of inspiration which can encourage others to march forward on their path towards unity with the creator as well.

    • #329419

      My role is to add myself to the group of humans climbing the ladder to the spiritual world through the intention of bestowal and reaching equivalence of form with the creator. Others will see and be influenced by the light and the upper force that manifests around me and move towards the same goal.

    • #327091

      My role is to ask the Upper Force for a correction and let it perform this correction upon me, so the closer adhesion with the Upper Force could be reached.

    • #326912
      Dante Yigael

      My role is to consciously allow the upper force to correct my ego from a will to receive in order to receive to a will to receive in order to bestow and then teach the method to others.

    • #326893
      Edward Taddei

      My role in the process is to correct my desires to be like that of the creators. Then once that happens my piece Adam Ha Rishon will help towards the correction of the rest.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 298 total)
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