Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

Viewing 6 posts - 223 through 228 (of 270 total)
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    • #221563

      My role is to follow the Creator’s lead in developing myself to the best of my ability, and as I evolve act in accordance with the plan the Creator has for me.

    • #221555

      My role is to seek to grow closer to our Creator by rising to the act of bestowal. By doing so, I aspire to gain correction for myself, which cascades out to those individuals with whom I am in contact. By each one of us gaining correction, we are all on the right path to get to know our Creator and to live happy, fulfilling and loving lives.

    • #221330
      Bonnie A. Bus

      According Bnei Baruch, the world will be released and a better place for all of us. So my role will be part of it in being connection with…

    • #221270
      Aleksandar Milic

      Primarily by working on myself in the path of light. In this way I influence myself and the environment. Generally speaking, the way I treat myself is the way I treat others. It all starts with ourselves.

    • #221236

      My role is to be a vessel for the light of the Creator .

    • #191251
      Sol Belo

      Ref 190140.

      I too read that section in  Kabbalah for the Student.  I feel the perfection of the Creator is not in any dispute so it is not the point.  For me, the point is understanding the many bizarre events and systemic behavior that detract from the pursuit of the goal.  What is the Creator’s thought in permitting them?

      • #221343

        That’s an excellent question !!!

Viewing 6 posts - 223 through 228 (of 270 total)
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