Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

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  • Author
    • #190635
      Felix Hernandez

      My role is to make this path the number one priority of my life.

    • #190603
      Etienne Fourie

      I first have to correct myself, doing my part. Then by contributing in love to all my fellow men I can play a part in their correction.

    • #190601

      To do my best to connect with others and feel the Creator in everything

    • #190561

      To correct all of my desires. Then, my part will be corrected in each of the other souls and it will get easier for them to correct themselves as well.

    • #190552

      To translate the sources into a specific language which i have been having in my mind for quite some time. If every person needs to study Kabbalah, then we are still keeping Issac’s brother Ismael out of the equation. Things will not get better, before there will be a genuine interest of friends to accomplish also this.

      • #221344

        Why does your name say you are blocked?

      • #190940

        Hey Eliyahu 🙂

        You always seem very angry in your comments throughout the forums. I am very angry sometimes too.

        However, often I read something that suddenly softens my heart again. Perhaps the following quote from this week’s Recommended Reading material can soften your heart a bit? Of course, if you don’t want that, don’t read it.

        In any case, I am looking forward to getting to know you more in the coming weeks/months.

        The quote is from “Kabbalah for the Student -> Everything is Evaluated not by its Appearance at a Given Moment, but According to its Measure of Development”:

        Everything in reality, good and bad, and even the most harmful in the world, has a right to exist and should not be eradicated from the world and destroyed. We must only mend and reform it because any observation of the work of Creation is enough to teach us about the greatness and perfection of its Operator and Creator. Therefore, we must understand and be very careful when casting a flaw in any item of Creation, saying it is redundant and superfluous, as that would be slander about its Operator.

        It is common knowledge that the Creator did not complete Creation when He created it. And we can see in every corner of reality, in the general and in the particular, that it abides by laws of gradual development, from absence to completion of growth. For this reason, when the fruit tastes bitter at the beginning of this growth, it is not considered a flaw in the fruit, since we all know the reason: fruit has not yet completed its development.

        And so it is in every element of reality: when some element appears bad and harmful to us, it is but a self-testimony of that element; that it is still in the transition phase — in the process of its development. Hence, we cannot decide that it is bad and it is not wise for us to cast a flaw in it.

    • #190548
      Tiago Casellato

      My role is to correct my desires in order to attract others to correct theirs and thus reveal the whole reality.

Viewing 6 posts - 229 through 234 (of 270 total)
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