Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

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  • #57434

    Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 211 total)
  • Author
    • #401648
      Renata Klem

      In a world where everyone is interconnected through spiritual love, that is, in which we are all one spirit and one heart, there would be no social dilemmas because we would all be loving our neighbors as ourselves and everyone would live in full harmony and cooperation. with the greater objective of adhesion to the creator.

    • #400498

      Social dilemmas would be approached through everyone working together toward the benefit of all, vs each one according to the benefit of himself. This would be a force multiplier for good instead of a bunch of forces cancelling each other out as we have today.

    • #393390
      Assana Colubali

      The societal dilemmas would through connection and pure love.

    • #390145

      Nobody knows what the spiritual love is yet, it may be different than it is now?

    • #386419

      I think all social issues would get corrected as we follow this principle.

      We would live more peaceful and in harmony.

    • #386287
      Spencer Davillier

      They Would Always Be Resolved Promptly And With Love As If It Were The Creator Approaching The Dilemma

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 211 total)
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