Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 745 through 750 (of 1,000 total)
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    • #288950

      In the few weeks since I have been studying, I have already caught myself being aware that I might not be seeing all of reality, only part.

    • #288905
      Thomas Hadjeras

      observing my reaction and realising that I react from a point of view, not from the reality itslef

    • #288693

      I thought I knew a fair amount about myself and how this life works.  I do not.

      • #288703

        I had that turn upside down several times in my life. Just when I think “this was the worse, I cannot go lower” (it cannot get darker), lo and behold. But every time the rises between falls got higher too – closer to the Creator. Or I might just be much more sensitive to both suffering (intolerable), and pleasure of being in His/Her presence (can’t live without).

    • #288646

      I always understood that perception was relative and those who have a more positive outlook, seem to perceive reality in a more positive way, but I could never connect the dots of how perception can vary so greatly. However, the explanation of being in the box and everything we experience being filtered differently as it enters our immediate surroundings has just been a real ‘light bulb’ moment for me!

    • #288622

      Having studied so many path over these last 5 decades, it’s challenging to determine precisely what is different between Kabbalah and so much of the others. I think what has happened is that my genuine desire has led me to Kabbalah because I see a more direct path to correcting what remains to be corrected. I have become very sensitive to change and entry into the spiritual realm. I see Kabbalah as the essential teaching that might very well be my path on through my remaining years. I already have a deepening level of perception of what is real and what is illusory. It’s not new. It’s taking on a greater, more consistent reality. I must say, however, I’ve grown quite fond of shedding skins which leaves me quite open on the path to attainment. I live the Path of Light and so look forward to week 3.

    • #288577

      So Very helpful and so it was so interesting, I need a help, how can i change or fix everything that need to change and fix.

Viewing 6 posts - 745 through 750 (of 1,000 total)
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