Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    • #58711

      My perceptions are unique. I should place altruistic intention above my desires. I should develop an intention to give not receive.

    • #58682
      Arabela Dias

      All events in life serve a purpose, to elevate our consciousness (because there is nothing else besides Him). We need to change our “software” from the will to receive for ourselves to the will to receive to please the Creator.

    • #58542

      This material world is but an illusion, but also this was created.

      We are challenged and forced to reunite with the creator and each other, to find back our unity because essentially all is one. Division is an illusion, created by our egoistic nature, and this egoistic nature is destructive in itself.

      I understood we need to receive (this is what we are) with the corrected intention to bestow.

    • #58258

      Thank you Renato and Marko for putting into words these details and questions that so help me clarify my goals and communicate my experience. I have never been much of a short-term goal setter and everybody wants them from me! I have tried to oblige, to at least be present in the giving and reception here, by making some reply. And low and behold the dam may have broken because of our independent desires to receive!

      So what did I want to receive?

      1. A way to ascertain and formulate the desires of my heart was most prominent in my mind.

      2. The much more anxious desire to find someone to practice/play with. I was given the understanding that it takes 2. 😉

      Can you imagine the magnitude of such force aligned with the Will of the Creator and what it will mean for mankind? Our neighbors and friends would also live in paradise. Our joy would increase just to be in each other’s presence.

      3. A more functional way to work through processing my experiences and intuitions. Currently, I engage in osmosis, contemplation, and patience. I am comfortable with the latter two but I think that Kabbalah has a better way to hasten the osmosis part; a detailed outline of the plan.

      4. The desire to as easily let my desires be filled as it is to fulfill the desires of others. This is most easily understood if I say, it seems difficult to release some poor choices when I really would like to free the space, it takes up in my head.

      I would like to also thank our instructors. I am so grateful for this gargantuan act of bestowal. In right teaching, receiving is truly the consequence of bestowal in action. I have been blessed.

      May you ALL be blessed with a direct connection to the  Power, Glory, and Sweetness of His Light this time around!

    • #57990
      Marko Podgorsek

      Wierd things, malovelent forces, things I couldn’t grasp were influencing me. That led me to ‘hidden’/occult/spiritual teachings. It helped somewhat. Then some inner force led me to C. G. Jung. I read his Red Book and some parts of a book, even just a sentance or a paragraph, stirred something in me and forced me to go into meditation and things started ‘happening’. I saw that Jung went through something similar as I was going through and that gave me some courage to do some some leaps of faith in my meditations and go through the individuation process. On my breakthrough I saw a kabbalistic tree of life in my meditation and I just knew what it was. Did some more meditations on it and then I got some books on mystical/practical kabbalah. To my amazement my experiences on paths between sephirots and in sephirots where described in the books just as I expirienced it. I trust academical/scientific sources more than occult/mystical ones when I’m in the learning phase, so that led me here. And I think I’m being guided, so yes, forces working on this world…


    • #57805

      Most of all, the insightfull meaning of our true reality gives us a new undestanding of each of us. How should we as a hole must interact to fulfill spiritual growth? this is the real question for me, for as i understand, so far. we aproach Kabbalah in a individual manner. How can we change the world to follow the path of light in order to love one another as we were meant to be?



      Thank you.

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