Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 823 through 828 (of 1,000 total)
  • Author
    • #190332
      Talya Machuca

      Finding out that Torah and Mitzvot don’t necessarily mean what I have been told, makes a lot of sense now because for me it was hard to realize that the way that it was transmitted was correct, I always felt that it was something missing, and finally, I figure it out through Kabbalah

    • #190170

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>The deepest understanding of my life so far has been obtained through the wisdom of kabbalah with its dazzling basic principles among others: The creation of worlds, the language of roots and branches, the correction of selfish desire, the equivalence of form and the possibility of ascending to the spiritual worlds. There I go. And I hope to continue because this journey is the only one we have to make.</p>

    • #190144

      I have become more aware of my desires and how thoughts follow desire, thoughts can grow or diminish desire. In this way, I have been feeling more in touch with subtleties of emotional awareness and states of perception.

      I have realized more deeply that I don’t seem to have any control over my emotions, it’s not my choice or fault to feel any range of emotion.

      The most pertinent development this week has been a focusing on what my senses are delivering me, purely. When this state washes over me I experience a form of wordless clarity, at the same time some kind of disconnection from the world I live in, both the physical and social way.

    • #190119

      So much more aware of my intentions and desires. And becoming aware that there’s so much I don’t know yet with the forces that govern the world.

    • #190112
      Bradley Schwartz

      I am gaining more emotional awareness as I climb the spiritual ladder


    • #189910

      I’m still confused about the 613 mitzvot. I understand people can do all the mitzvot, but not have the right intention, but if I’m not doing all the mitzvot, even if the ones I do, I do with intention of connecting to G!d, am I still not going to make the connection?

      • #189998

        Hi Jeff,

        Kabbalah and religion are two separate things, so I cannot comment on the religious observations of the Mitzvot. In general, regarding connecting to the Creator, we learn that the process goes “from the love of the created beings to the love of the Creator”. Meaning that if we want to reach a connection with the Creator, we can do so only through our connection with other people. This is why R. Akiva said that love your friend as yourself “is a great rule (klal) in the Torah”. The word rule (klal in Hebrew), also means general, all encompassing. In other words, this is the all encompassing rule that summarizes all of our work. We’ll learn more about this and how to practice it in the more advanced semesters.

        Albert @ KabU

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