Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    • #189870


      I have learned  that this life is only a preparation to go back to the steps of correction to achieve the Creator.  We don’t have Free Will, everything is already decided by the Creator.  However, when we accept this path of spirituality we are responsible for our work to study and work in groups to be able to attract the Light and therefore help humanity!  We are in groups so that we can measure our EGO and try to achieve a common goal and transform our “will to receive” to a “will to bestow”

      It is a long path of study through books, teachers and group study! but it brings us peace in our hearts and desire to reach the Creator.

    • #189867


    • #188897

      My life will dissolve into the upper light as the illness of my egoism gradually fades away by acts of bestowal  with the correct intention to not expect a reward, but will nonetheless constitute a higher level of pleasure a with Solomon in the Song of Songs

    • #188883

      Interesting question. Although there is something in the study of kabbalah, I am not sure what it is just yet.

      Some of the concepts are not new to me, so reading these books has not taught me anything new.

      I prefer to take a gnostic approach to all new wisdom. Until I experience it for myself, these things are just theories others have written.

      I am not sure if this way of studying kabbalah is an accurate Map to the upper worlds or just another form of indoctrination.


    • #188494
      Joshua Ajang

      However kabbalah is schools of reality mission and break the pathway of nature where will we go after exiting this world?

      Thank you.


    • #188477

      I have learned that all we are is a will to receive and that I cannot objectively perceive the eternal world. All that I perceive is subjective and a sixth sense is needed in order to sense the spiritual or upper worlds.

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