Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    • #408343

      I have come to understand that I can do nothing with my life without attainment. It’s been such an eye opener realising that everything I perceive, the forces at play in this world are as a result of the upper worlds – cause & effect.

    • #408338

      I feel freer. Know when i feel a desire, anyone, i stop and ask myself? Egoistic? With intention to bestow? I decided i want to bestow, so i stop making excuses to myself to act egoistic  and discovered a new pleasure  in the thing i was avoiding before . Know is “my lab” analyze all the desires i have.

    • #408289

      I am just overwhelmed and confused.I would be lying if I write anything else.

    • #408263
      Akosua Marie

      I understand that there is order in everything. If I remain conscious, If I focus on maintaining my mind and my heart in alignment, if my heart’s desire is to move closer to the creator, if I am aware that it is all planned for my highest good, everything that comes my way is then designed to help me get to my destiny. When I accept that the “forces working in the world” are part of the plan to get me to my destination, I have gained understanding.

    • #408252

      I realize my life has purpose and the way to fulfill my purpose is work to be concious of my feelings and desires and have the intention of receive to bestow grow with faith in the creators plan

    • #408247

      I’m feeling a deeper appreciation of Kabbalah as a bridge between mysticism and science. I am the vessel willing to receive light and my intention resonates in harmony or dissonance. Dissonance, the distance, or separateness of the will of the Creator and the will of the Creature is experienced as suffering. Harmony, experienced as the will to bestow.

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