Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • Author
    • #358261

      As far as I understand, a choice is made between death and life, which in fact is not a choice because in reality you can only choose life. As far as those wishes are concerned, I think that life is actually a wish. Forces here again I think we come to only one force in fact. And how does it all work?

    • #358260
      Zach Ansel

      I am gaining a sense that there are forces I don’t yet understand that are the cause of all that I experience in this reality, my perception of which is limited and restricted by my five corporeal senses

    • #358236
      Carlos Rodriguez

      I think I am starting to understand the principles, laws and phenomena that lead to and guide actual Spirituality, and permit the understanding of the holy scriptures.

    • #357154
      Per Striegler

      Through reading kabbalic texts, videos, this course, and reflections on how to apply it in the daily activities.

    • #339873
      Nick Martinez

      At my current level, I been attempting to put great effort into remembering through as many moments of each day that


      1. There is nothing that exists but the Creator. In other words, that all apparent forces of corporeal reality are really just the force of the Creator

      2. It follows from #1 that, any challenge or difficulty I must face is sent directly from the Creator, even if that challenge feels as if the Creator pushing me away from Him.

      3. That the Creator and His goal for creation is completely and totally benevolent, and therefore all difficulties (and pleasures for that matter) are all aimed at bringing my soul into equivalence with Him.

      When I am able to remember these things throughout my day in corporeal existence, simply speaking the management of my own life becomes drastically easier and it’s difficulties allow me the opportunity to exercise Faith Above Reason and cling to the Creator for correction.

    • #339715
      Ronny Cervantes

      I have gained a deeper understanding of what is the meaning of life. What our true purpose is in life. How everything we see from the still, vegetative, animate, to speaking is part of creation. How everything is mental. That there are invisible forces such as the wind, gravity, air that govern our reality. How we are to love and obey something, a force that we dont see in terms of faith.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 849 total)
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