Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 849 total)
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    • #338348

      it’s amazing how egotistical i really am. and how impossible it is to bestow .wow!

    • #338263

      I understand that taking care of each other will keep us together. To keep your own way thinking what is good for you is coming. The forces of the Universe will be with you.

    • #338252

      I’ve tried to answer this here 3 times and every time I write a wonderful story  to try and explain my position in life and why I am so pleased to find KabU all of a sudden when I’m nearly finished it just disappears. Admittedly it’s a long story and I’ve pondered it all week on purpose to get it to make sense. Maybe they did go to you, i hope so. I’m not going to question why it disappears any more, suffice to say, I’ve come to the conclusion my life long search flor answers was never going to be answered until now.

    • #338238

      I’ve learned that everything I do is to receive pleasure. It’s hard to except at first but I really can’t find anything to contradict that concept. Even the most altruistic things I do for my loved ones ultimately brings me some kind of pleasure. I guess realizing that makes the idea of receiving not necessarily a negative thing it just is part of the narrative of this life and with the correct intention receiving to bring pleasure to the giver forms a symbiotic union with the giver. The hard part now is wrestling with the idea of being a giver to be a giver and not expect to receive, and at what point are you supposed to have a boundary? What point do you say I’ve given enough to a person who is only taking?

    • #338140

      I have a small but better understanding of what is the purpose of being incarnated in this world

    • #338087

      I learned that there is a force that governs everything

Viewing 6 posts - 169 through 174 (of 849 total)
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