Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 205 through 210 (of 1,000 total)
  • Author
    • #376545
      Poetry Master

      Help reflect on ego and events of life that it has affected which are all.

    • #376497

      There is no substitute for knowing yourself. And he who can go deeper into himself will understand them

    • #376425

      In exposing myself to the reforming Light ( kabalistic texts,  Q&A Seassons,  KabU Course ) and conceting with the people who want to be like the Creator.

    • #376330
      Philip Iyov Ecks

      I don’t know if I can answer this question with any real confidence as I am at the beginning of Kabbalah studies, though I have been searching for it a lifetime. I have come to realise that every single event both good and bad that has occured in my life has been the product of my own ego. Even in those moments that I felt I was doing something good, it was just my ego expressing itself for my own benefit, and I have found it very difficult to break away from this behavior. I was taken by the words of Rabbi Luzzato, The RaM’HaL, when he stated that the G-d made ‘ALL’ things in existence for our benefit, to teach us how to overcome our egoisms and cleave unto the G-d. I have learned that I have been lost and the forces of the world has held me in subjugation since the day of my birth. My deepest hope is that through Kabbalah I may come to have a deeper understanding of these forces and thier impact upon my life and how to make the corrections neccesary to rise above this and achieve and equivalence of form with the G-d. To become totally ultruistic. Shalom.


    • #376317
      Francois Bernard

      Let’s talked about reality: Reality and our perception of it often turn out to be quite different from what we initially expect. I’ve come to realize that my understanding of reality is uniquely mine at first, shaped by my personal experiences and perspectives. This individuality is often underscored by a certain degree of egoism (exclusively) where my interpretation becomes the pinnacle of my worldview… I understand that my reality is inherently self-centered (thank to you).

      However, what if I could transcend this egoistic perspective? Imagine achieving a state of mind that is completely altruistic, where my thoughts and actions are driven purely by selflessness. This would involve moving beyond the limitations of the five senses that typically anchor us to our personal, subjective experiences. In doing so, I might access a more profound, interconnected understanding of reality, one that is not confined by the usual boundaries of sensory perception and individual ego.

      Such a shift would mean embracing a broader, more inclusive perspective, potentially leading to a deeper sense of empathy and connection with others. It could transform not only my understanding of reality but also how I interact with the world, fostering a sense of unity and shared experience that transcends the self.

      You see, i am going to become a grand-father… and  I am ready to give without any thing in return. It’s an example!

    • #376304

      The more and more I feel need and desire the more I get this stuff. I can’t explain it.

      • #376329
        Philip Iyov Ecks

        As I understand it, this is exactly the way of Kabbalah. Thank you.

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