Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

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    • #360189

      In many ways. Listening to good teachers is key. So is my meditations on the scriptures and seeing interconnections.

    • #359931

      The way I have been using to gain an understanding of my life is by reflecting on my acts and my reactions to the environment and back. But I don’t understand the spiritual forces yet that are molding and influencing this world and directly my life. That is why I am following this course.

    • #359477
      Bridgette Smith

      As a Christian I have always had questions about the Scriptures that talk about us being with God before we were even born into this world and that we are A part of his body. And I have also always believed the Big Bang, evolution of the earth and human race and reincarnation. This goes against what most Christian theory’s but So far the Science of Kaballah has actually confirmed my beliefs and also help me to understand How we r with him, how evolution and reincarnation is actually backing up Alot of my questions and making it clearer for me to understand. It has also opened my eyes that the Science of Kabbalah actually backs up A lot of what is stated in The Holy Bible.

    • #359413

      In every way. The whole world is full of His Glory, and all in all is perfectly integral and connected.


    • #359392

      For me, it began by questioning the “whole package” I’m supposed to believe and rejecting to take a dogmatic posture or static belief system.

    • #359349

      I am beginning to grasp an understanding of the Kabbalistic view of the life process. To be honest tho . . .there are many choices that must be made and those must be made wisely for survival in this convoluted world. For those who did not have mentors to guide, did not land in families that are aware of such complexity of a process for evolving. I understand the clearing of Tikkun or Karma; yet, I cannot help but think that if this is a game . . .it feels like a cruel one. Folly for the Gods . . .like those spectators that use to watch battles between a human and a lion . . .the odds are stacked very much against the human without a divine intervention. What do I do with those very real feelings?   I know all the pretty things to say & I am not a negative person, truly . . . I do not want to rain on parades . . . yet, I cannot feel the spark within the heart that others speak of . . . I long to know the path there. Thank you.

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