Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 865 total)
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    • #325061
      Frank Shongwe

      There is a Force above, that only wants to give, it’s the source of all existence. My ego is the only barrier between me and accessing this Force. My senses only perceive to satisfy the ego. Therefore I need to develop a new spiritual sense so as to connect to the Force above.

      • #326157
        patrick diederich

        thank you for reformulating the core of the teaching we received so succintly and sharing it with us. It deepens my appreciation of the community we cocreate.

    • #325052

      By completing the previous 2 weeks, a new mindset is starting to get into my mind and a wish in my heart, that everytime I’m craving something, that is to say, everytime I’m feeling in lack of something, instead of rushing myself to the outside, looking for a remedy to appease that sensation, I wait and focus my will and my intention to the Creator, the Will of Bestowal, for fulfillment. It’s not that I succeed nor that I feel it; not yet, but it’s that now I know there’s another way, and I try to draw my mind to seek it by building a connection with the Nature Force, instead of looking for satisfaction in fleeting sources.

      • #325141

        Love this Marta! We have so many opportunities for these sorts of moments. Feels like a sort of mental hygiene to do so.

        • #326158
          patrick diederich

          Hello Marta and Claire,

          your insights resonate with me. The beauty of  Nature reveals itself in holding still. We benefit from become more patient and content whilst at the same time persevering in our studies. I certainly feel my mental wellbeing improving.

    • #325047

      More understanding about the importance of the forces that can’t been seen from our world and the tension between egoism and altruism.

    • #325046

      That my ego acts as a filter. Learning Kab will fine tune that filter for better and more interesting reception.

    • #325028

      The forces that govern my life and that are at work in the world are forces that I cannot sense, predict or understand with my current level of knowledge.
      However those forces have bequeathed me a spiritual gift, the point in the heart, and this strong desire has led me to seek understanding and connection to the creator.
      With the help of the wise!!!

    • #324948

      It’s all in my mind. It is good to stay conscious. All what happens in my life is depending on how I react.

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 865 total)
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