Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

  • #28799

    Preparation Question: In what way have I gained a deeper understanding of my life and of the forces working in the world?

Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 950 total)
  • Author
    • #334045

      I am now realizing that what I “see”, my experience in life, is not a collection of random effects of me living in a chaotic world. But it is a more guided experience waiting me awake and get it.

    • #333835

      A paradigm shift of thought patterns releases mindset limitations, allowing clarity of new perceptions in walking the “path of light”, and thereby not influenced by the “path of suffering”. Therefore one realises that progress is being made, and am advancing spiritually.

    • #333580

      I am grasping the difference between intellectual learning, and nurturing the spark in my heart to grow.

    • #333468

      By investigating and recognizing the truth I learned during the first two sessions in the world around me = in my reality.

    • #333405

      By working on my inner world I am starting to grasp some of the basics of the fundamental universal laws. By experiencing these in my inner world I am able see that these laws exist and how they effect my outer world and my perception of it.

    • #333206
      Daniel Leon

      I have gained remarkable understanding of my life purpose at this stage of my life.

Viewing 6 posts - 313 through 318 (of 950 total)
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