Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 4 Discuss Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

  • #57425

    Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

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    • #316693

      Imagine a Kabbalah Gathering, with thousands of hearts beating as one, a symphony of souls, one soul, in search of higher meaning. The sensation of being overwhelmed, consumed by the beauty and intensity of the moment, as the veil between the physical and the spiritual becomes ever so thin.

      To experience such a transcendent awakening, one must create it within oneself, amidst the cacophony of ego that often dominates our human interactions. To achieve this transcendence, we must first create it within ourselves, overcoming the powerful pull of our ego-driven impulses. As someone who has attended trade shows and conferences dominated by ego, I know how challenging it can be to stay true to our spiritual path.

      But within me resides a voice that longs for more, a voice that recognizes the value of taming the ego, of nurturing spiritual growth through a small group of 10. Though it may seem like an unattainable dream, I will continue to hold my spiritual development in the highest regard, pursuing the beauty of a Kabbalah Gathering with all my heart and soul.

    • #316514
      John Caton

      Expansive. Desire … multiplied.

    • #316447

      I am not sure I can even imagine.  It has felt so huge just being on a call with 30 or 40+ people going into breakout groups.

      It sounds awesome, though.  I can’t wait to experience it.

    • #316335


    • #316321

      The video brings tears to my eyes. It makes me feel a longing as well as a sorrow. I am crying right now.

    • #316312
      Dr Jim

      I have signed up for the European Congress and I am expecting something very special….a feeling of total warm belonging  like I have never experienced before.

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