Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 4 Discuss Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

  • #57425

    Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 103 through 108 (of 223 total)
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    • #321701

      If they can all connect together, I would think that the feeling would be vibrational, a feeling of revelation, and very exciting. However, if one has not been able to cross the line from this world to the upper world, I would imagine it would be depressing, maybe a bit sad. The feeling for joy for the others would be delightful and supportive for their achievement.

    • #321527

      An amazing heart connection.

    • #321469

      One big whole. Unity.

    • #321419

      It would be heartwarming and motivational

    • #321405

      I don’t know

    • #321391

      Intense and supportive.

Viewing 6 posts - 103 through 108 (of 223 total)
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