Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 4 Discuss Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

  • #57425

    Preparation Prompt: In Kabbalah, our primary task is to draw the reforming light, which supplies all we require for spiritual progress. Moreover, it’s said that aiding others accelerates our own spiritual ascent. How does this dynamic operate? What does supporting fellow seekers with a spiritual inclination entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 212 total)
  • Author
    • #290479
      Luc ANOUBRE

      Just amazing.

    • #289573

      Like a fresh start for humanity!

    • #289554
      Ali Nadalipour

      Very big love and positive energy .

    • #289345

      I think it would be beyond the pleasures of this world. Maybe a little impression of the Light of Hochmah? I can’t imagine it, but I hope one day I can feel it myself.

    • #289181

      It will bring me closer to the creator!

    • #289014
      Yvon Decelles

      Love, without judgment.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 212 total)
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