Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

  • #41577

    Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 282 total)
  • Author
    • #335901

      The question worries me. I m imagining that the people around me in these forums will be trying to “help” my understanding, & I fear by imposing theirs, and I might find it very uncomfortable – I may not agree with how they see it. I may find it invasive and/or patronizing.  Then I have to deal with that ! And I know that is all ego.

      When I apply this to the others in my group, I therefore need to be sensitive as to what the person may be feeling and needing.  “HELP” may  be by NOT  diving in with my opinion,& trying to show them my ideas,  and allowing the Other to be and express themselves fully, without “ME” trying to correct them. So my best way of helping is possibly to try to keep my ego out of it, and by allowing them their space.

    • #335822

      When I pray for the friends to advance in their work of getting closer to the creator and that the creator should be happy with their work and receive them; I’m bestowing and becoming more like the creator. This act transforms me.

    • #335818
      Mel Farrell

      Treat others as if they were us

    • #335156

      By responding with love, we allow others to respond in kind. If we respond in a way that does not facilitate bestowal, we are acting from our ego. If others do not respond in kind, by choosing the love, we are growing spiritually and moving toward equivalence of form to the Creator.

    • #333642
      Dennis Ibrahim

      We are individual pieces of the same soul of Adam Ha Rishon. Connecting with others and seeing them as part of me, and helping them to attain the same goal, then draw more the Upper Light into this collective vessel which then will helps us towards the final correction.

    • #333578

      It means to connect to other people. if we look for the point in the heart of other people we can connect to them on a higher level. we see the light in other people. we connect to each other and by that raise to a higher level.

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