Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

  • #41577

    Preparation Question: Our entire work in Kabbalah is only to attract the light that reforms. By this we receive everything we need for our advancement. Furthermore, I’m told that if I will help the others, I will advance myself even more towards spirituality. How does this work? What does it mean to help the others, those with the point in the heart, on the spiritual path?

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 350 total)
  • Author
    • #426875

      I let the light flow through me, being able to receive and bestow at the same time. By bestowing to others the light I receive I am becoming more like the Creator, embracing His qualities.

    • #426809

      Every comment I read is perfect for itself. Of course, this is all theory until we live it. My addition would be, that communicating with others who are on the same path, we accelerate, help each other to go forward faster. In times of despair, the fact that there is others going the same way, should help us not to fall back.

    • #421250
      Jolene Nunemaker

      It guarantee’s Victory to want others to advance, by investing in their point in the heart on the spiritual path, we become each others Loyal Champion.

    • #420281

      The more our intent becomes altruistic, the more light we attract from the Upper Force, The Creator. Our intent needs to be based on the bestowal to others via our intentions to bestow to them. Connections to others are made in this way, attracting more light and effecting change in all the connections.

    • #420074
      Katrina Leeks

      If we come together, we already have a shared desire. We can then connect with the others in our group and allow our interactions to reveal our ego projections, allowing us to see the other side of those falsehoods. Threatening feelings that come from personal conflict in a group are easier to name and are therefore easier to sort through.

      Once we truly get to know others, we can include them in ourselves. They become a part of us. The more we feel the others as ourselves, the more our desires combine into a larger vessel. Our studies and our teacher will help us with the screen for that large vessel. The more pleasure we feel and perceive from our shared desires and intentions, the more Light we can draw.  At least, that’s my best sketch of how that might work.

    • #419973

      It means we are part of a collective and when we act in unity we advance.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 350 total)
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