Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

  • #57405

    Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 298 total)
  • Author
    • #282761
      Theresa H

      I want to be able to connect with our Creator better and, fulfill my purpose in life and help the others around me fill this connection to the all giving light.

    • #282025
      Gelaye Gudisa

      I’m so excited

      • #284366
        Richard Lively

        I recognize you from the Live Q&A, I am glad we are growing together.

    • #282012

      For the light to influence and guide my heart. I desire to grow closer to becoming like the Creator

    • #281859

      I desire the light of reformation to bring about correction, not only for myself, but for as many people with whom I share connection. Then, I look forward to adhesion with the Creator, which is a mighty step forward along the spiritual path.

    • #281792
      Aleksandar Milic

      By using an essential tool called the Kabbalistic Minyan, which is used to work with the Force of Light, we invert our ego into love and bestowal.
      Our desire is to learn how to resembling nature and how to bring people to connect, using the Kabbalistic Minyan tool.

    • #281635
      Maria B. W12

      I was doing self-awareness study before to learn how my egoistic nature hinders my family connections. During the Kabbalah courses so far I faced up to even more facets of my egoism.

      However, the wisdom  of Kabbalah not just reveals my shortcomings but offers the method to overcome my egoism and become a useful tool. For the group and the Creator in attracting and passing on His Reforming Light, benefiting the friends in the group and the whole system.

      I am a bit worried whether I’m capable of actually doing it. But I’m curious, too, and eager to turn myself around to bestow something worthy to the future generations, including my loved ones.

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 298 total)
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