Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

  • #57405

    Preparation Question: Starting a new course in Kabbalah is similar to a fetus moving on to a new trimester. The warm and fulfilling womb is still the same, but the desire and needs of the future human are evolving. Before we start the first week let’s set our expectations. How do we want the womb (Light) to influence and evolve us? What do we desire to achieve in this semester?

Viewing 6 posts - 241 through 246 (of 298 total)
  • Author
    • #284365
      Richard Lively

      I want tot learn more about how the  10 works, how I can help others as well as myself in such an environment.  I have taken all the courses  up to this point offered at pre graduate level.  I am going over all that information as well as  utilizing  every system in KabU, to extract as much information, to prepare and saturate my mind and heart for the  experiences to come in a 10.   I am doing my best to study and be prepared, but I still know almost nothing about the reality of Kabbalah.  My only goal is in life and this course is to connect with others and do my part to bring back the balance of natural forces so the creator feels pleasure from my egoistic will to receive.

    • #284344

      I have been imprisoned for over 20 years in an egoistic solitary confinement, I want the light to open the prison doors, I want to evolve from isolation and being part of current world problems, I want to evolve into connection and letting the light transform the world. The ego has told me lies saying the spiritual desire can evolve within me and the world while staying safe in isolation. My last 20 years are a testament to the deceptive egoistic falsehood. I desire to connect and help others to connect.

    • #284327

      I have read a lot, I have attended several courses at this point, I have found something that really touched me. I hope to join a group of ten so that I can start practice and experience the Light. I want to receive, however i also want to contribute effectively to the others in this group and community.

      I would like the Light to help me to correct and bring me back to the quality of bestowal.

    • #284316
      Innocent Mushiya

      To experience the essence of the light and achieve spiritual attainment…

    • #284287

      I desire a more practical understanding of how to implement Kabbalah in my life, to move forward with joining a 10 and to attract the light through my intentions.

    • #282938

      Hi Friends

      I would like that the light influence me towards unity which is the goal.

Viewing 6 posts - 241 through 246 (of 298 total)
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