Preparation Question: Congratulations on progressing through the intermediary stages of your Kabbalah learning by staring this new course! Since the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with developing our precious eternal part—the soul—it is important to take a moment to note your expectations from this stage of your journey, and later check back and see what aligned with or differed from your expectations, and how you might’ve changed in the process: What do you hope to get out of this course you’re now starting?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 1 Discuss Preparation Question: Congratulations on progressing through the intermediary stages of your Kabbalah learning by staring this new course! Since the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with developing our precious eternal part—the soul—it is important to take a moment to note your expectations from this stage of your journey, and later check back and see what aligned with or differed from your expectations, and how you might’ve changed in the process: What do you hope to get out of this course you’re now starting?

  • #41558

    Preparation Question: Congratulations on progressing through the intermediary stages of your Kabbalah learning by staring this new course! Since the wisdom of Kabbalah deals with developing our precious eternal part—the soul—it is important to take a moment to note your expectations from this stage of your journey, and later check back and see what aligned with or differed from your expectations, and how you might’ve changed in the process: What do you hope to get out of this course you’re now starting?

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 443 total)
  • Author
    • #422495

      My deepest desire is to experience oneness with everything. From this course I hope to get concrete action steps on how to move closer to my deepest desire.

    • #415575
      Jolene Nunemaker

      To learn how to speak with others, to communicate, to deepen the relationship in our environment.

    • #414988

      ik hoop op een diepere verbinding met vrienden en met de schepper

    • #414897
      Silviu Victor

      I hope I will advance in the relationship with the others.

    • #414720

      I want to get close to my Creator, to perceive Him, to understand how to fulfill my purpose in life, and to be able to understand how the fabric of reality around me works.

    • #414641
      Shadrak Kakumba

      The practices that will bring me closer to God,and will help me love my friends(others) as yourself.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 443 total)
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