Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

  • #37695

    Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 409 total)
  • Author
    • #316653

      My goal feels to be to remove all false perceptions about myself and reality and to learn the truth about the functions of this life and to experience it from only a view of truth

    • #316566

      <b></b>I am studying to come in to balance with the force that guides everything. But my main egoistic goal is to avoid suffering.

    • #316392

      I’m studying in order to see the reality clearly and to be able to only serve the plan, knowing concretly what I have to do here on earth and in which form I can accomplish what I have to do. In order to floating with the godly flow!

    • #316317

      To find a teacher and community that would nurture and aid in my development as a kabbalist

    • #316273

      I am studying with the aim of learning how to apply the  wisdom of kaballah in hope of ascribing meaning and purpose in my life

    • #316217

      I am studying for truth, understanding, and implementation of such.

Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 409 total)
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